17-21 July 2017, València, Spain
València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School
VIBASS I is the first edition of the summer school on Bayesian Statistics to be held from 17th until 21st July 2017 in València (Spain). VIBASS offers an opportunity to be introduced into the Bayesian reasoning without previous knowledge in the subject.
The five days of VIBASS are organised in three parts:
The first two days include a basic course on Bayesian learning (12 hours), with conceptual sessions in the morning and practical sessions in basic Bayesian R packages in the afternoon. It would be advisable that participants bring their laptops for the practical sessions.
The second part is dedicated to an issue of current interest in Bayesian research. This first edition is dedicated to Stan, a probabilistic programming language for describing data and models for Bayesian inference. This course (12 hours) is provided by Aki Vehtari, Associate professor in computational science at Aalto University (Helsinky), co-author of the third edition of the book Bayesian Data Analysis and member of the Stan development team.
The last day, Friday 21th, is devoted to the First VIBASS Workshop. It includes two plenary sessions, with invited speakers researchers Mark Brewer from Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS) and Maria Grazia Pennino (Instituto Oceanográfico de Murcia), and a wide poster session with contributions of the participants in the school.
We are also preparing an exciting social programe for the Summer School.
Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th: Introduction to Bayesian Learning.
Instructors: Carmen Armero, David Conesa, Anabel Forte and Virgilio Gómez-Rubio.
Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th: Bayesian modeling with Stan, predictive model assessment and comparison, and variable selection in large p, small n case.
The first day covers Stan probabilistic programming software, writing models in Stan language, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and No-U-Turn-sampling methods for inference, and necessary diagnostics for checking the inference. The second day covers methods for assessing predictive performance and making model comparison, and ends up with more detailed discussion of variable selection in large p, small n case.
Instructor: Aki Vehtari (Aalto University, Finland).
Friday 21th: First VIBASS Workshop.
Invited speakers:
Mark Brewer, Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS), UK
Maria Grazia Pennino, Instituto Oceanográfico de Murcia, Spain
Time Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st 09:15-09:45 Registration 09:45-10:00 Welcome 10:00-11:00 Theory I Theory III Stan Stan Invited I (MB) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Invited II (MGP) 12:00-12:30 Theory II Theory IV Stan Stan 12:30-13:30 Poster session 13:30-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Closing session 14:00-15:00 Lunch 15:00-16:30 Practice I Practice III Stan Stan 16:30-17:00 Orxata Break Orxata Break Orxata Break Orxata Break 17:00-18:30 Practice II Practice IV Stan Stan 18:30- Social prog Social prog Social prog Social prog Get together Swing dance Guided tour Gala Diner -
Orzanizing Committee
- Carmen Armero (Chair, Universitat de València)
- Mark Brewer (Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland, BioSS)
- María Eugenia Castellanos Nueda (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
- David Conesa (Universitat de València)
- Anabel Forte (Universitat de València)
- Virgilio Gómez-Rubio (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Faculty of Mathematics (Universitat de València) C/. Doctor Moliner, 50 46100 Burjassot València
before May 30th | After May 30th | |
Student | 260 | 320 |
Academia | 375 | 475 |
Industry | 500 | 650 |
Prices are in euros (€). The registration fee includes: Coffee and orxata breaks, lunches, documentation, summer school dinner (Thursday 20) and participation in the First VIBASS Workshop.
Participants in the VIBASS are encouraged to present a poster with their research or projects. The maximum size of the posters is 120 height × 90 width cm. Abstracts must include the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s) and of the communicating author, and a brief abstract with less than 151 words.
- València Bayesian Research Group (VaBaR)
- Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS)
- Department of Statistics and Operations Research (Universitat de València)
- Faculty of Mathematics (Universitat de València)