
Check out all articles from VaBaR. Click on a headline to read the teaser.

Book recommendations
Some good introductory books freely available on line Read More ›

8-12 July 2024, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 7th edition
VIBASS7 2024 Read More ›

July 12, 2024 › VIBASS7 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS7 - Basic Course
VIBASS7 Basic Course Read More ›

Bayesian modelling for economic evaluation of healthcare interventions › VIBASS7 - Invited Course
10-14 July 2023, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 6th edition
VIBASS6 2023 Read More ›

July 14, 2023 › VIBASS6 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS6 - Basic Course
VIBASS6 Basic Course Read More ›

Bayesian capture-recapture inference with hidden Markov models › VIBASS6 - Invited Course
18-22 July 2022, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 5th edition
VIBASS5 2022 Read More ›

July 22, 2021 › VIBASS5 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS5 - Basic Course
VIBASS5 Basic Course Read More ›

Spatial and spatio-temporal models with R-INLA › VIBASS5 - Invited Course
July 16, 2021 › VIBASS4 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS4 - Basic Course
VIBASS4 Basic Course Read More ›

Bayesian computing with R-INLA › VIBASS4 - Invited Course
12-16 July 2021, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 4th edition
VIBASS4 2021 Read More ›

July 20, 2018 › VIBASS3 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS3 - Basic Course
VIBASS3 Basic Course Read More ›

Applied Bayesian Computation: The NIMBLE Platform for Hierarchical Modeling and MCMC › VIBASS3 - Invited Course
VIBASS3 Invited Course Read More ›

22-26 July 2019, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 3rd edition
VIBASS3 2019 Read More ›

16-20 July 2018, València, Spain (No places left) › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 2nd edition
VIBASS2 2018 Read More ›

July 20, 2018 › VIBASS2 - Invited Talks
Invited Talks Read More ›

Introduction to Bayesian Learning › VIBASS2 - Basic Course
VIBASS2 Basic Course Read More ›

Bayesian modeling with BayesX › VIBASS2 - Invited Course
VIBASS2 Invited Course Read More ›

New text-book
Teoría y problemas resueltos de matemática aplicada y estadística para farmacia Read More ›

Albacete, 22-25 May 2017 › Bayes-Pharma 2017
VaBaR course: Introduction to Bayesian Survival Models Read More ›

14-19 August 2017, Split, Croatia › GEOSTAT 2017 Summer School
GEOSTAT 2017 Read More ›

17-21 July 2017, València, Spain › València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School
VIBASS 2017 Read More ›

Scotland and Valencia 28-29 Jan 2016 › ScoVa16 Workshop
Valencia and Bayes › Welcome to the VABAR group!
The VAlencia BAyesian Research group is well... a group of researchers who share two features. They are interested in Bayesian Statistics and they have been educated or have strong links with the Valencian Bayesian school. Read More ›